Without Boxes
Ordinary people. Extraordinary stories.
Read the archives.

4 Tactics For Becoming an Unconventional Tourist
by Thomas Carney
How to be an unconventional tourist: Unconventional travel lets you travel for longer, see more of the world, still making it work financially.
I Hate Hair: Reasons Why Shaving Your Head Skyrockets Confidence
by Aron James
By going against the grain with the bold new look of a shaved head, many are challenging that stereotype and discovering the confidence that comes with it.

How to Be a Solo-Female Hiker: Put One Foot in Front of the Other
by Hayley Turner
Don't let fear hold you back. Get out there, push your limits, pack your pack, lace up your shoes, hit the trail and #hikelikeagirl!

Do You Really “Find Yourself” When You Travel?
by Anne Dorko
Do you find yourself when you travel? A young girl asked me this as I drank espresso in Vienna. I thought about it. The answer is no, but there’s a caveat.

When Not Everything Goes as Planned, It Still Goes: A Story About Finding Your Passion
by Jen
Do you know your passion? We are constantly given chances to learn and change. There are many ways to direct your passion somewhere it can grow!

The Digital Nomad’s Roadmap – A Complete Guide: Successfully Live, Work, and Travel Anywhere
by Anne Dorko
“How do I become a digital nomad?” Well, the lifestyle isn't for everyone. There's a lot to learn about how it works. Today, you'll learn what it takes.

Limitations: Why the 9–5 Job Doesn’t Need To Stop You
by Kat Franchino
Each of us has a big goal, but might face limitations that prevent us from reaching that goal. Rather than give up, look for small opportunities to seize!

Stealing Second Base: From Side Gig to Self Employed Full Time
by Katherine
You can’t steal second base with one foot still on first. Learn from Katherine's experiences to find out what it takes to go full time with your passion.

Dreams Are Like Pirate Treasure: Hard to Find, But Worth the Risk
by Anne Dorko
A dream is only a dream until you put a plan and action behind it. No one is just going to hand it to you. Creating a treasure map is the key to finding it.

A Modern-Day Nomad’s Guide: How to Leave Everything Behind and Start Over
by Anne Dorko
There’s no one right way to leave everything you know behind and start over fresh. But by taking a few steps, you can tackle anything that comes your way.
How to Live Alone in a Foreign City: I Don’t Speak the Language!
by Anne Dorko
Moving to a strange new city by yourself is hard. It’s even harder when you don’t know the language. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you adjust!

How to Attain Jaw Dropping Goals: Organize Your Steps, Week by Week
by Anne Dorko
How is everyone else reaching their life goals, while you're just floundering? Today, you'll learn to attain your life goals with a simple weekly schedule.

The Power of Intent: How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality and Achieve Your Goals
by Anne Dorko
Training yourself to live with intention leads to action, leading to realised dreams. Warning: This post encourages major life change and introspection.

Becoming a conqueror: Facing your deepest fears. #DifferentLifeStories
by Emily
I pushed myself to do the things that made me feel afraid. I went to the park by myself. I would sit in the parking lot afraid to get out of the car.

Do Things Your Way (Or, What Is A Decision?)
by Anne Dorko
Your life is much more than a book to fall asleep to. Decisions are incredibly personal. We make a million a day and tend to live with the consequences.
I Will Not Wallow: Whales, Baked Goods, and Peru
by Kat Franchino

Hacking Life In A New City Alone: An Extensive Guide
by Anne Dorko
How to take on life alone in a new city: Stick with it. Like yourself and be independent. Be genuine. Explore the area. Branch out and talk to new people.

The Existential Crises of Living in Constant Change
by Anne Dorko
Does mediocre work for you? Are you content not knowing what else is out there? Do you know who you are when every expectation ever placed on you is gone?

What’s the point?
by Anne Dorko

Fighting Your Inner Kraken: The Battle For Your Soul
by Anne Dorko

Are you interesting?
by Anne Dorko

If You Teach A Man To Build A Table
by Anne Dorko
What is something useless (or old or uninteresting or happenstance) in your life that, tweaked the right way, could become something really great?

Failed Resolutions: Brace Yourself For Disappointment in 2013
by Anne Dorko
It's a meme to even try making New Year's resolutions. Life changes, goals morph and priorities shift. But does that mean you should never make them?
There’s Only One Way To Tell If You’re Secretly A Genius
by Anne Dorko
You might be a genius. The only way to find out is to discover your ingenuity.

Leave Everything Behind
by Anne Dorko

How to Run Your Own Espionage Mission
by Anne Dorko

Your Ultimate Life Hack Weapon: A Box Cutter
by Anne Dorko
"What if?" is a powerful phrase. It's unassuming. It's short. It's only 2 words. Yet, it slices through even the toughest of your preconceived ideas.

You Missed Your Chance, Can You Bring It Back?
by Anne Dorko
The possibility of chance is in the air right now, waiting for you to shape it into something that matters.

The Earliest Warning Sign Your Mission Will Fail
by Anne Dorko
On life and failure: We fail because we're willing to live. We are able to truly live because we're willing to fail. How to prevent failure in life.

What Happens When Pirates Lose Their Gold?
by Anne Dorko
How do you get back on track when you get sidetracked from your goals?

A Landlubber’s Initiation to the Power of Obsession
by Anne Dorko
Did you ever realize that we know about pirate's obsession for gold because they love it so much that they can't be stopped from obtaining it?

Give Me 2 Minutes and I’ll Give You the Willpower of Hattori Hanzo
by Anne Dorko
It is only right we dig into the life of Hattori Hanzo to discover where he was able to source his extreme willpower from, and to use it.

How to Set Goals And Dominate Like Bartholomew Roberts
by Anne Dorko
Pirates score ridiculous amounts of booty and clearly live on their own terms, so it only makes sense to emulate their tactics.

An Origin Story: How I Quit My Job, Saw America, and Became My Own Role Model
by Anne Dorko
The idea of living free from the shackles of normal jobs, normal lives, and just... normal. Normal really sucks these days.

Breaking the Cycle When You Feel Stuck in a Rut
by Anne Dorko
"My life is in a rut!" What better time to make a commitment to keep making progress than now? Here's how to set goals to break you out of your rut.

Small Things That Have Helped Me Get Fitter
by Anne Dorko
I've been working out... and not hating it?? Seeing results even? Here's what's helping me.
A Beginner’s Guide to Minimalism: Turning Five Boxes of Stuff Into Two
by Anne Dorko
I used to think minimalism was pretty pointless, until I had a crazy life experience that showed me that owning stuff isn't as great as I thought.
How to Reinvent Yourself and Finally Fulfill Your Wildest Childhood Dreams
by Anne Dorko
When you're excited about life, everything is possible! So, how do you get excited? Here's how to reinvent yourself by fulfilling your childhood dreams.

The Real Reasons You Hate Your Life, and How to Fix Them
by Anne Dorko
The future looks bleak to you. Hating your life sucks! It's time to make a change. Why should you settle for anything less than what makes you happy?